Humanitarian aid
Status: Several were made
Many times we receive requests that are not directly related to the mission and direct vision of our foundation, but it is difficult to say no to some of these needs. You can look at some of the works we have collaborated on, but they are not all on the list. We hope to add those of the last few years soon.
Help for Mrs. Juana Evangelista García: $ 3,460.00. Mrs. Juana Evangelista García was in need of a new home. Through the Board and some volunteers, enough money was raised to make this beautiful person's dream come true.
Help for the dialysis treatment of Mr. Pedro Manuel Tejada: $ 200.00.
Help for David Tavarez's operation: $ 400.00
Help the young Yanelis Tavarez in Rincon de Piedras with a medical emergency. Felicito's daughter: $ 200.00.
Construction of a bathroom for Mrs. Mercedes Santana: $ 1,103.00.
Aid of $ 300 for José Luis Santana who has a leg in great danger due to a serious infection.
Help for Maria Isabel Collado due to the death of her husband (April 2018): $ 535.00.
Help for Hilda Rodriguez for her medical treatments (April 2018): $ 2700.00
Construction of a room for Emiliano de Jesus Zapata who had nowhere to stay: $ 950.00
Help for an operation of Mrs. Fidelia in January 2018: $ 400.00
Contribution of $ 380 for Manuel Galvan who had in an accident and is a very collaborative person of our community March 2019.